Easy Ways to Burn Extra Calories Throughout the Day!

By StyleCaster

Is staying fit on your list of important New Year's resolutions? Afraid to commit to working out because you're always at work? It can be intimidating to start a routine, especially if you're not regularly accustomed to getting up and going to the gym every morning. With anything new that you start, it's important to pace yourself.

The best way to stay committed is to gradually build up a tolerance. You may not even realize the amount of exercise opportunities that are presented to you daily that you lazily overlook. Instead of thinking that the gym is the only way to whip weight-loss, start taking a look at the easy exercises you could do, without even thinking about it. Here are a few tips on how to start working in a work out into your everyday life, without ever going to the gym:

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Take the stairs

Every day most of us are faced with some form of stairs vs. escalator/elevator challenge. Instead of taking the easy way, start your day off with an old-fashioned stair-master, and climb your way to your cubical. After a week of taking the stairs you'll forget the electronic way even existed.

Pick up not delivery

Start walking to your favorite sushi spot instead of having it delivered. The walk will let you take in some fresh air which is definitely good for the bod. It may even take less time. Believe it or not, you know you need to get back to your desk in time to finish that project your boss assigned you, so you'll power walk and burn more calories.

Face to face

Instead of emailing a co-worker on the opposite side of the office or different floor, take a walk over and speak in person. This is another way to fit in a walk that will make a difference.

Pump up the volume

Listen to your iPod while your washing the dishes or cooking dinner at home and shake your stuff. Dancing while making dinner is a fun way to stay in shape. Remember to cook a healthy dinner, staying away from fatty foods and desserts.

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Drink water

Take a break from your calorie-filled coffee. Staying hydrated during the day is essential to having a healthy body. Drink at least two glasses of water during the day to keep you feeling fresh.

If you live close enough, take your bike to work or to the store. Biking is fun and is sometimes a lot easier that walking. You'll get to your destination quicker without having to put any gas in your tank or pay a taxi fare. If you don't have a bike, pick up a pair of rollerblades. Blades won't take up as much space and will burn twice the amount of calories as biking.

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