Softer, Younger Skin All Winter Long

Is your hand starting to feel like your pet lizard? With winter’s outdoor cold, dry, windy weather and indoor blazing heat, your skin can take a beating, looking older than your years and feeling dryer than a desert. Luckily, you don’t have to suffer anymore this winter. Follow these tips to smooth your way into softer skin and save those flakes for Mr. Snowman!

1. Eat your way to soft, supple skin

Healthy, moisturized skin starts internally, so make sure to consume a diet rich in anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids.

• Women of ancient Babylon would eat a mixture of sesame seeds and honey, called halva, to extend youth and beauty. Indeed, sesame is a favorite food among Chinese women for promoting beautiful hair and skin, prized for its nourishing qualities.

Oily fish like salmon and sardines, walnuts, and flaxseeds are all rich in omega–3 fatty acids. An abundance of mono- and poly-unsaturated oils are also beneficial, especially unrefined organic coconut, sesame, and olive oils.

• Eat up to two small handfuls of nuts and seeds, especially hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, sunflowers seeds, every day between meals.

Avocado is rich in good fats, and also abundant in gluthione, the antioxidant compound that helps reverse premature aging of cells.

• The imperial empress of China included sea cucumber as an ingredient in her skin-beautifying recipes. A relative of the starfish, sea cucumber contains essential amino acids that are the building blocks of collagen and elastin. It can be found in dried form in Chinese food stores, ready to be used in soups. If food form is a little too adventurous, it is also available as a supplement; a typical dose is between 700 to 1,000 mg daily.

• Use healing herbs to get exquisite skin. Exquisite Skin is a traditional Chinese herbal combination that tones, nourishes and lubricates your skin, while expelling impurities.

2. Water your skin

In addition to consuming the right foods, the amount of water you drink affects your skin. Think about your house plants: without sufficient water, they slowly begin to wither away, so to prevent a sallow, wilted complexion, make sure to enjoy at least eight 8-ounce glasses of filtered water daily. Water will keep your whole body hydrated, helping to irrigate your skin and promote healthy bowel habits for eliminating toxins. Be sure to limit your intake of famous skin-dehydrators coffee and alcohol.

3. Moisturize as nature intended

A little lotion makes fine lines look better -- provided the lotion is nourishing to your skin. That pumpkin pie-scented body lotion may smell delicious, but beware of the hidden chemicals within! Many commercial moisturizers contain harsh chemicals that can do more harm than good, stripping your skin of lipids and moisture. Our skin is the largest organ on our body and has thousands of pores through which toxins can enter or exit. In other words, if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin.

• Organic coconut oil, shea butter, and jojoba oil are all excellent choices to use as body moisturizers.

• Massage some olive or coconut oil onto your cuticles to look like you’ve just stepped out of the salon.

• To bring relief from tight, itchy skin, mix ten drops of Tonic Oil (wintergreen, eucalyptus, menthol, fennel, and sesame oil) with fresh aloe gel; apply liberally and frequently!

• For a deeply moisturizing treatment, gently rub your skin with calendula oil twice a day. Calendula has been shown to speed healing of wounds, and is thought helpful for eczema and psoriasis.

• Be on the watch for toxins. It is best to avoid using products that contain: parabens, mineral oil, paraffin, petroleum, sodium lauryl or lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, phenol carbolic acid, dioxane, and toulene.

• Nurture your skin cells and minimize the appearance of aging with the powerful healing herbs in Rejuvenation Cream.

4. Easy-does-it cleansing for beautiful skin

On a frigid day, a long, steamy, hot shower or bath may seem to be just what the doctor ordered. However, hot water can strip our skin of its natural oils, which may lead to even more dry skin. Keep bath time under 15 minutes and opt for warm water rather than scalding hot. Also, use natural soap made from vegetable and plant-based oils that won’t dry out your skin. Is your body soap or facial cleanser too harsh? The test: After cleansing, your skin should never feel tight or dry. Wash and softly pat your skin dry with a cotton towel.

5. Protect your skin

Don’t let sun damage and dry, cold, windy weather rob your skin of vital moisture and circulation, leading to prematurely older-looking skin. Wear sunscreen, even in the winter, and bundle up from the windy cold: gloves, hat, and a scarf to protect your face -- the whole nine yards! The clothing layer closest to your skin should be cotton or other natural fabrics that breathe well and are soft on skin.

6. Steer clear of stress

Also, depression, anxiety, and stress create tension in your skin, particularly on the face, causing uneven blotches and lines. Relax, breathe deeply, and release tension with gentle exercise. Make sure to get 7 to 8 hours of zzz’s in every night.

I hope that these tips will bring you young-looking, moisturized skin well into the winter! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

You can find many more anti-aging strategies in Secrets of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways to Live to Be 100, which is now available on Kindle. Also, my new book, Secrets of Longevity 8-Week Program can assist you in achieving your longevity goals. It is simple and life changing. Even better, we are now in partnership with Lucy Activewear, who is launching the Dr. Mao Challenge, an interactive way to help you stick to your resolutions. Join the longevity health revolution!

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

—Dr. Mao

This blog is meant to educate, but it should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her physician or clinician for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.

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