Canine urinary tract infections are caused when bacteria get into the bladder or urethra of your dog. Needless to say, an infection of the urinary tract, can be very painful and very uncomfortable. Even though the urinary tract infections can be treated easily, they can be fatal when treated for a long time.
The infection causes an inflammation of the urinary system. The inflammation causes the urethra, leading the urine of restricting, slowing the flow of urine. Given that the urine carries bacteria and crystals of the bladder to form the stones of the Organization, infection causes two conditions worsen.
Thus, you should observe your dog carefully and look for symptoms of discomfort for whether it has a problem. The symptoms of urinary tract infections in dogs include
1 Urination attends, but only a few drops at a time
2. Painful urination (the dog usually perspire while urinating)
3. Bloody, muddy and foul smell of urine
4 Constant licking of the genitals
5 Fever and lethargy
If your dog shows some or all of these symptoms of canine urinary tract infection, you need to immediately take him to a qualified veterinarian. Taking a urine test (urinalysis) can confirm if this is indeed an infection. Once confirmed, you find a good treatment method for treating your dog. This is where you should be really, really attention.
Veterans usually prescribe antibiotics to treat canine urinary infections. If they are effective, they are a short-term problem approach.
The way of symptoms of canine prevention urinary tract infection of return is by giving a regular dose of homeopathic natural remedies for your dog. Homeopathic remedies have long been considered a means of addressing the problems of health of your dog in an extremely short period of time. Usually, in a week or two, you can see improvements in the behavior of your dog. They can strengthen your dog's immune system when consumed regularly. As a result, your dog becomes strong enough to defend themselves from diseases and infections in the future. They also help the body maintain proper urinary PH so that it has maximum bacteria fighting force.
Apart from the give good natural your dog supplements, there are a few things you should do to prevent canine urinary tract infections.
1 Give your dog lots of pure drinking water. Does not the tap.
2 Wash your dog often and keep clean. If your dog is dirty and unclean, the chances of bacterial infection are very high.
3 Keep your dog happy and active in him taking out for a walk regularly and playing with him.
Jeff Grill is a Guide dog health editor and has written on many canine health issues. See this site for more information on canine urinary tract infections.
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