Read to identify diabetes symptoms

Diabetes is a disease of metabolic disorders. The diabetic body becomes unable to deal with the sugar in the bloodstream. Inability of the body leads to a high level of sugar in the blood that short term causes and the long term health problems. This inability of the body is called "insulin resistance".

The corps of signals this problem by showing different symptoms that are called "diabetic symptoms." Sometimes diabetes spend several years without giving importance to these diabetic symptoms. The following passages will cover the classic symptoms of diabetes and signs.

Frequent urination (polyuria) When the blood sugar is high, there is excreted in the urine. Sugar is a saturated solution therefore kidney draw and attract more water from the nearby tissues. This leads to frequent urination.

Excessive thirst (polydipsia) This is related to excessive urination. The person is flushing must be replaced. High levels of blood sugar convinced that more fluid brain must be consumed.

Extreme hunger (polyphagia) Sugar in the blood is the source of energy for the body. If the body becomes unable to process the sugar, the person think he is hungry, so he eats more.

Fatigue or tiredness  As the body is not a sufficient energy from sugar and the person feels tired and tired.

Blurred vision High levels of blood sugar cause osmotic changes, in the lens of the eye, which leads to blurred vision.

Numbness in hands and feet Numbness is the result of poor blood circulation. Printing is as pinching of needles and pins on the end of the feet and hands.

Slow healing of wounds The circulatory and immune system is affected by diabetes. This effect leads to a deficiency in minerals and nutrients. It slows response to microbes and infections.

Mood swings  Hyperglycemia hyperosmolar hyperosmolar, ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia coma are all diabetic conditions. They affect the central nervous system and cause mental status, coma and dizziness.

Unfortunately people learn to live with diabetes symptoms during the period of time. unless the condition gets so bad that they have to ask for emergency medical assistance.

Learn more about the details of each diabetic symptoms and learn tips to deal with by visiting the diabetes warning signs , I mentioned here tips and tricks with the help that I said "Good-Bye"to diabetes."." If you can do the same.

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