Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Physical activity is any activity that burn energy through movement. Playing catch, walking and climbing are all physical activities. Some types of physical activity are unstructured . They are not scheduled or planned out. Running up stairs and cycling are all forms of unstructured physical activity.
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Exercise structured physical activity. It is scheduled and organized. Going for 1.6-kilometre (one-mile) run five days a week exercise. Doing 50 sit-ups every morning or attending a swimming class tree times a week are forms of exercise.
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
All physical activity is good for body. Is uses the muscles and joints and strengthens the body. Its improves our health and burns energy. It even makes us feel good.
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Why be active?
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
People are physically active for many reasons. Being active is fun. It is an important part of living. Some people have a goal. They may be trying to improve their health or way they look. They may be trying to get in better shape or develop a specific skill so they may be better at a sport. People shold be active every day.
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Top Tips
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Being healthy is not just about being active. Diet is also important to good health. People should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. The human body is about 60 percent water. Getting eight to ten hours of sleep a night is also important, especially while you are alive. Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Why be active?
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
People are physically active for many reasons. Being active is fun. It is an important part of living. Some people have a goal. They may be trying to improve their health or way they look. They may be trying to get in better shape or develop a specific skill so they may be better at a sport. People shold be active every day.
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Top Tips
Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
Being healthy is not just about being active. Diet is also important to good health. People should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. The human body is about 60 percent water. Getting eight to ten hours of sleep a night is also important, especially while you are alive. Build Physical Activity into your Daily Life
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