As I discussed in a previous article, grooming is essential for maintaining your Guinea pig in good health. However, you should be aware of as well other things.
It is very important to know a good veterinarian who knows much about Guineas. Some conditions of are not easily overcome alone.
Be aware of the normal behavior of your cavvy. It is easier to tell when they are sick when you know these things.
Normally, the cavvies are excited, energetic and fun. Be aware when they silent or lethargic. Loss of appetite is a good sign for example, cavvies loves to eat and if your from is not, something is definitely wrong.
If your cavvy is sick with diarrhea, be very careful, diarrhea can dehydrate the piggy very quickly and if not treated immediately, can result in death.
Some diseases are difficult to see. Symptoms can start at very low and slow progress in more advanced stages. Some symptoms include wheezing, eye flowing and nose, even hair loss. Things like the stones in the bladder and cysts may not be related to any particular affection they heave their own symptoms that may be more difficult to see.
If you suspect that your Guinea may be sick, and you have other pigs in the cage with it, isolate immediately to protect other potential infection. To give their own bottle of water and food dish, just not to be shared with other animals. Always wash your hands with SOAP after handling a Guinea patient antibacterial. You do not want yourself or your other cavvies for the sick. Keep the cavvy patient in a room where the temperature is constant and decently hot. Keep their cage isolated with a lot of hay and protect them from air currents. If your piggy has respiratory problems, difficulty breathing, most of the owners of line the cage with eucalyptus oil, it will not cure the infection, but it will relieve some symptoms. Try to apply on the tip of their nose, just a small dab and there fore-legs, which the tends to rub their nose with. Not put not in their fur, it will be the stcky of fur, pigs of hate sticky fur. Do not make major changes in their diet when your cavvy is sick. Keep the normal routine will help keep the stress of Guinea, low level. If you cannot get your piggy to eat at all, call a veterinarian immediately, lack of nutrition can cause rapid deteriorization of the cavvy health.
Here are some symptoms you must monitor.
Some sneezing is natural for the pigs, but excessive sneezng can be a sign of a respiratory problem. Follow carefully in the face of your piggy whether or not a runny nose. Guinea Pigs do not catch cold or flu, most of the respiratory problems in Guineas are caused by bacteria. Fungal infections are rare but also possible.
Coughing, sneezing, as normal is to some extent. Most of the time, it is simply caused by trachea minor irritation, possibly inhaling something dusty. Constant cough is more serious. It may be a sign of infection or disease. Kennel cough, in particular, is a serious disease in Guineas. It can be transmitted between species, including dogs, rabbits and pigs. If the cough is followed by or accompanied by other respiratory problems, usually a wheezing, is a likely sign of respiratory infection.
Birth breathing, wheezing is the usual symptoms of respiratory tract infections. This should be taken very seriously. They can be indicators of fluid in the respiratory system which could well become a pneumonia. If your piggy has these symptoms, go to a veterinarian immediately.
It is also normal for Guinea pigs, but like other listed symptoms, excessive scratching can be an indicator of something worse. Many scratch could mean that your piggy has lice or mites. Fungal infections can cause as well, but it is rare. To treat lice, pyrethrin shampoo bath should suffice. Please note that the eggs do not go away so easily. Generally, more than a bath in the shampoo is necessary to rid completely of the lice, however, the bathroom must be at least one, if no two, weeks apart from each other. Pyrethrin shampoo can be obtained by a veterinarian, who will tell you how to use it. Lice look like tiny worms, Brown crawl in the hair on the surface of the skin. Mites are more difficult to dispose of them. They are difficult to identify because you cannot see their with a naked eye. There are remedies for this kind of thing home, bt prefer more vet care safe tobe. Chips are not a big problem with Guineas. They don't seem to do not much care for species and not remain not long if they are there. If you are dealing with a parasitic, always clean and disinfect the hutches(hidey_houses) and cages.
Milky white urine
A cavvy urine is generally Milky in appearance, but if the urine is conspicuously white and residues left after it dries, it may indicate too calcium in your diet. This can cause bladder stones.
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