Advice for women who are pregnant & suffer from Syndrome of Irritable colon (SCI)

Symptoms associated with irritable syndrome can be very painful and troubling and these symptoms can be improved in pregnancy, however, very little is known as not a lot of research was made on the effects of the IBS on women or the fetus during pregnancy.

Some women reported that their symptoms have in fact decreased during pregnancy while others have reported that their symptoms worsened, however, what we know, is that the gastro-intestinal tract undergoes changes during pregnancy can cause symptoms evil uncomfortable even in women who do not have IBS, therefore, it is not uncommon that these symptoms to be intensified among women who were diagnosed with IBS.

The Affects and symptoms of digestive tract in pregnancy

During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone hormone levels are high and receptors for these hormones are located in the gut and have an effect on our digestive system.

This increase in the rate of hormones is supposed to be a potential cause for the symptoms of the heartburn, nausea, constipation and bowel movements that much increase of women experience during pregnancy.

Constipation appears to be more problematic in most of the women in the third quarter. Another possible cause for gastrointestinal disorders is fetal putting pressure on bodies that have an effect on the digestive system causing a problem with their functioning.

Changes in hormone levels are thought to women differently effect causing some negative changes affecting the bowels, while others may experience positive changes and find the relief of some of the symptoms associated with IBS, including abdominal pain.

For these women who have symptoms that are problematic, there are some methods that can be used to relieve these symptoms without harm to the fetus. However, with IBS, women who are pregnant should always consult their obstetrician provider or health care before taking any supplement or make significant changes to their diet.

Dietary guidelines for women who are pregnant and suffer from IBS

One of the primary forms of suggested treatment for those with IBS symptoms of constipation frequently experience is to increase their consumption of fiber. Women who are pregnant, the safest way to increase their amount of fibres is to eat foods that contain fiber naturally while avoiding if possible the supplements.

Foods are a good source of fiber include grain integers and fruits and vegetables. Additional precautions must be taken before using any laxative during pregnancy to relieve constipation. It is essential that you contact your doctor or obstetrician before taking any laxative over-the-counter or using any form of home repair that includes elements such as mineral oil or caster that they have the potential to be harmful when taken during pregnancy.

A healthy diet is essential during pregnancy and also for people who have the IBS. Foods that are high in fat should be avoided because they can stimulate the intestines, forcing them to contract or spasm. Refined foods including sugar which are contained cakes, biscuits, sweets and white bread should also be avoided as substitutes - particularly sorbitol - also avoid sugar.

If you have IBS and your symptoms are worse during pregnancy, you must ensure that you see your provider of health care on a regular basis especially before taking the over-the-counter medications to relieve your symptoms.

Introduction:How to cure the Syndrome of irritable for good! All-natural method! 100% GUARANTEED! Visit:

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